Think Local Act Personal (TLAP for short) is a national partnership of more than 50 organisations in the social care and health sectors whose main aim is to support personalisation and community support. TLAP has produced a care and support jargon buster which we think is really useful particularly if you are new to working in care and are not sure what you are reading or hearing about.
For example, you may not be sure what 'personalisation' means. The jargon buster describes personalisation as "a way of thinking about care and support services that puts you at the centre of the process of working out what your needs are, choosing what support you need and having control over your life. It is about you as an individual, not about groups of people whose needs are assumed to be similar, or about the needs of organisations."
They have also added words that have entered our language since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic such as 'lockdown', 'furlough' and 'shielding'. You can submit suggestions of words they can add to their list. We like the blog which talks about why it is important to use everyday language when talking about care and support.
This will depend on how much you need to know and will vary from person to person. Sometimes it may be a quick check on what one word means or a you may require a more indepth understanding.
You can also listen to the 'why language matters and social care jargon' podcast which has a runtime of 5 minutes. This will be available on the link below.
It is free to use the jargon buster.
To use the jargon buster, visit their website by clicking on the red button below and use their alphabet search buttons to find words quickly and easily.