DadPad - The Essential Guide for New Dads

What is this?

DadPad is the essential guide for new dads. It was developed by the team at Inspire Cornwall CIC in conjunction with the NHS. The guide will help new dads gain the confidence and necessary skills to be the very best dad they can be. It will also help reduce anxiety and depression by preparing you for almost any situation associated with being a new parent.

How long does it take?

The DadPad guide is 38 pages long. Each page contains detailed guidance on a range of topics, so the time taken will vary from person to person.


The fulll 38 page guides costs £12 including 2nd class postage to a UK address. There is also a free 10 page sample guide available as a downloadable pdf (instructions below).


Click the link below to be redirected to the DadPad website. If you scroll down the page you will see a yellow banner promoting the free 10 page sample. To try this out click the button that says 'download' and then enter your details - name, email address & date of birth. You will then recieve an email asking to confirm your subscription. Once you have done that you can access the sample guide.

To purchase the full guide you need to scroll past the yellow banner until you see the option that say's 'click here' under 'DadPad for new dads' in the grey box. From there you can then add the number you wish to purchase to the basket and proceed to the payment screen.

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